Monday, May 24, 2010

Chemo Starts this Wednesday...

It’s another update…
Here is the short version. Last week we received great news that the cancer is not in my bone marrow, so the cancer is in stage 3. I start Chemotherapy this Wednesday at Puget Sound Cancer Center.

Long version… (I apologize for lack of English skills, and if I wander with my note. I am just typing on the fly, bare with me) We were very happy to have the bone marrow test come back negative, this does not change my treatment in any way, but it does reduce the chances of the cancer coming back in the future, I still have Hodgkin’s and it is in stage 3. This was the first good news we have heard in awhile, so that was nice to hear! I have had numerous tests done to make sure I am in good health to go full speed ahead with my chemo treatment. All of my breathing, echo, and EKG tests came back very good and I am in very good health which means I get to go full speed ahead with the chemo and the ultimate goal to be cancer free in 6 months. One of the lumps that was found on the right side of my neck is actually a cluster of lumps and is about 10cm long, because of this there is a chance that the chemo will not complete get rid of this lump. If this is the case, I will have to follow up chemo with spot radiation treatment. I am meeting with the radiologist this Friday to get the talks started and to see what is recommended. Overall I am doing pretty well, I have received letters, emails, and phone calls from so many people and I truly appreciate all the thoughts, prayers, and concern. This just pushes me more and more to stay positive and to get through the next 6 months. There is no doubt in my mind that I will get through this, even though I know that this is not going to be some walk in the park. I am actually really nervous for my first treatment this Wednesday afternoon, I have no idea how my body will react to the chemo.
The type of chemo treatment I will be going through is called ABVD, if you want to learn more about what exactly ABVD is please check out this website as it provides all the information and side effects, it is pretty interesting stuff(especially to me because it gets to be my “buddy” for the next 6 months). The doc is confident I will lose my hair, so when it comes out I will post a picture of my round face all bald. The joke is I am going to look like a giant baby…Also the doctor is extremely confident and optimistic that I will be cancer free in 6 months. Hearing this from the doc is very relieving, but I still have to put my time in and I have to do my part to make sure I do not get sick and put my body in any danger. The chemo will break down my immune system, so it is very important I do not catch any illness over the period of treatment.
I had my first blood draw last week with the Port-A-Cath, and it was actually really painful because I had the surgery for it two days prior to the draw. My chest was still really sore from the surgery and my neck and shoulder were/are still sore from the first surgery. It still hurts to drive my car and the seatbelt rests right over where I had both surgeries. I wonder if my medical insurance will cover a personal driver. It is really weird feeling the port in my chest, and my body is still getting used to the foreign object that has been implanted into my chest. I guess now I know what it would feel like to have a boob job…
Some of you have asked what I am doing for work and if I am going to be able to continue to work going through treatment, and the answer is YES! There are going to be days where I am tired or sick, but for the most part I am really hoping that I can work close to a full days of work. It’s definitely much more stressful being self-employed, but I know I can get through this. If you know of anyone who is in the market looking to buy or sell a home, I am your guy! (sorry for the plug, but I had too).
Thank you for following my progress and I am sure this will get more interesting once the treatment begins, I will update you all later this week after my body has absorbed all the fun chemicals!

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