Friday, July 23, 2010

Another Week Down...

So, this is the week where I feel good. So, I have been enjoying it and trying to keep the next week out of my thoughts. Rachel and I are off to Lake Chelan tomorrow for a few days with the Roupe's and some other cronies, so I am excited for that. I think this will be my only vacation until this whole thing is over with.

A couple days ago I went to the hospital for a CT/PET scan to see the progress from the chemo. I meet with my doc next week to go over the slides and to see how well the chemo is working for me. I am pretty confident that it is working very well because the doc cannot feel any lumps on my neck. So, I am curious to how big the lump in my chest and the lumps in my spleen are now.

Because this is my good week, I feel great and my mind is in a good place and I have energy. On the weeks of chemo and after I get chemo I feel like shit!!! I don't have much energy for anything. I usually stay positive but it still brings you down for a bit. I think just the constant feeling like shit for 5-7 days starts to take its toll on you, but once you finally get through it, you kind of forget about the past week. The only things that really gets to me are certain smells, the thought of going to chemo treatment, and the needle that goes into my port. I have never had a problem with needles, or pain, but for some reason the connection of the port makes me feel so sick. Oh well...I don't think I have another option.

Overall everything is going according to plan, and thank god for health insurance. I can't believe how much this would cost if I didn't have insurance. 4 treatments down, 8 more to go! I will keep you posted on the results from my last body scan.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly,

    I'm Rachel's friend, Anna. I just wanted to let you know that you have people you don't even know out there praying for you and wishing you all the best.

    I'm so glad to hear that this week has been a good week. Thanks for sharing about your treatments and how you're doing. I hope that you and Rachel have an awesome time in Chelan.

