Friday, July 16, 2010

Just a Quick Update...

I will write more later this week.

I had my 4th treatment yesterday and my white blood count was back to normal at just over 5,000. Right now I feel like crap, and I can't wait for the next couple days to roll by so I start feeling better. I only have 8 more treatments to go, I wish it could go by faster. I know everything is working for the best and I know I will be cancer free by December, so I will keep pushing through. Besides that, I am all good.

I will update you all later this week with more fun stuff...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly,
    your mom gave us your Blog address so we have been reading about your journey so far. We are glad that you are 1/3 of the way through this. We are keeping you in our hearts and prayers, You will beat this and we are excited to be there for your wedding watching you and Rachel and having you cancer free! Much Love,

    Uncle Al and Aunt Sue
