Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Great News!

So, I have great news to report...the cancer is going away!!! The scan was not able to show any lumps in my neck or spleen and the lump in my chest has shrunk tremendously. This is all great news and I couldn't be happier about that. I am still on track with my treatments and I am hoping to be all done with chemo the first week of November. 5 treatments down, 7 more to go, almost half way there.

The chemo still makes me feel horrible for about 5 days, and apparently I am just like a pregnant girl. I crave certain foods, especially blizzards. Besides that, I feel ok and I am excited to be half way done with the chemo. Then I have 4 weeks of radiation, but that will be a breeze compared to the chemo.

I have been trying to enjoy myself on the weeks I don't have treatment and that really makes things go by quicker. I had a great time in Chelan and I rocked a straw hat and t-shirt the whole time. I dig the straw hat, and this might have to make more appearances with the wardrobe.

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