Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well, yesterday was the start of my final cycle of chemotherapy! Cycle 6A is down and out and all I have is one more treatment, 6B which will take place in 13 days. If my second treatment was not postponed a week when I started all this, I would have had my last treatment on Rachel's mom's birthday. I wish that was the case, but it is kind of hard when I don't have any control.

As treatments have been coming and going, this process has only been getting harder and harder even with the end in sight. Like I have said before, there is no real guide to how you are going to react to the chemo, and how you are going to react mentally. I don't want this to come across as negative, but I think I am just pissed off that I have had to go through all this. Would I change any of it, probably not? The only reason why I say that is because I have really learned a lot about myself these past 6 months, I have also learned what's really important to me and what things need to come first. I think the biggest thing to me and is most important are growing my relationships with my family and friends. I really have learned that life can be too short and there are certain things we have no control over. For me, it is important to slow down and cherish what I do have. Sometimes we all take things for granted without realizing it. So, that's the biggest thing I want to work on once I am feeling better.

I never knew how stressful this process was going to either. Not being able to work much the past 6 months has really starting driving me crazy. I miss meeting new people, working with new people and being around the people I work with. Being cooped up in the house for the past 6 months just gets boring. Plus, if I am not working, I am not making any money. The only positive to that is I won't have pay taxes this year ;) Obama doesn't deserve my money anyways! But I really can't wait to start working again; going through savings and not making in money is no fun.

Besides all that, I am pretty excited to have my last chemo treatment. Going through chemo really sucks and I hope no one ever has to do it. If you have been through it, you're a real trooper in my mind and I hope that you never have to go through it again. Everyone keeps telling me that radiation is a breeze compared to chemo, I can't wait to get that going and I can't wait to get the port removed from my chest. I know I am jumping ahead a bit, but as you can imagine, I am ready to be done with all this. I went out with the guys last weekend to the Dawgs game and had a great time. I went against my doctor’s word and had a few drinks and enjoyed a long day of tailgating and football. That was good for me to get out and just enjoy life. I look forward to many more tailgates, football games, and great times with friends and family. Next year will be a much better year, and more enjoyable!

I have now lost all my eyebrows, I kind of look alienish...

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