Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today is my 10th treatment.

I apologize for the lack of postings that past month or so!

Man...I really don't know where to start with this note, but I guess I will start with the fact that I have my 10th treatment today at noon and that means I will only have two more treatments of chemo(4 weeks) left. I still have to follow up chemo with 4 weeks of radiation, but everyone is telling me that is a breeze compared to chemo. I know I am not finished with treatment, but the past 6 months have been a mix of good times and hard times. The treatment itself is hell, and I am over being sick and having no energy to do stuff, especially work. There is no Chemo for Dummies book, so no one can completely prepare you for it. The stress of not being able to work much is starting to get to me, it is pretty difficult to generate business when you are sick. I am able to work for about 5 hours a day at most on my good weeks, but by the time I get home, I am exhausted. I was hoping to have more referrals from past clients and friends, but it has definitely been slow for me the past 6 months. I am lucky to be able to work with my dad, as he is pretty damn good at generating leads. But at the same time nothing ever happens fast enough in the real estate business. So, let me know if you know of anyone that is looking to purchase or sell their home. My dad and I have a great partnership, and we will get the job done!

Now that I have done a little venting about work, I feel a little better. Besides the stress and being sick constantly, I am excited about being done with chemo. I try to do everything to stay positive, but I will not lie...chemo has taken its toll on me. I do find it harder to get excited about things and I think this is because it has been so long since I been able to just do whatever. It is definitely hard not being able to do things like I used to be able to. I wish I was able to travel, take off for the weekend, play a round of golf (I did that once this year, but I had a pounding headache by the time we were done) but I don't have a choice. The only thing I can focus on is getting healthy. I obviously have one thing to look forward to that I get excited about and that is our wedding in April. I am excited about our wedding for some many different reasons, and I cannot wait until spring because I will be getting back to normal. I have been told that it will probably take 6 months or so to get back to normal from the chemo.

Besides all that, I don't have much to complain about. I am beating the cancer, I am comfortable for the most part, I have the best fiance a guy could ever ask for, my parents have been extremely helpful throughout this whole process, and I have the best friends. I always enjoy getting out of the house and meeting up with friends. It is usually a low key thing, but just being around other people is so nice as I get cabin fever after treatment because I am so wiped out for about 4-5 days.

There is only so much TV I can watch. I think I need to get on Wheel of Fortune soon, I am killing their puzzles right now! ;)

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