Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Meeting with the Oncologist

Yesterday was a very long and draining day as I met with the oncologist for the first time. He was great, and extremely thorough. He explained to me that I have Multi Cellularity Hodgkin’s Disease (MCHD) and the cancer is in stage 3 and could be stage 4, my bone marrow test this Friday will determine that. If the cancer is in my bone marrow it is stage 4, stage 4 is the worst stage. The treatment between stage 3 and stage 4 would be the same, but they still need to know if it is in my bone marrow. We looked at all the slides from the tests I have been having and they found another lump on the right side of my neck that is larger then the one on my left side (the one I found) there is a lump the size of a grapefruit in my respiratory system which is outside of the lungs and underneath my ribcage, they also found lumps in my spleen. They only way to attack this cancer in my body is with Chemotherapy, which I will be starting sometime in the next couple weeks. I have some more tests today, Friday, and I have a port being surgically installed into my chest next week. This port is for the chemo to be injected into my body and also for blood tests. The nice thing about the port is that they won’t have to use as many needles in my arms. I have seen my fair share of needles the past couple weeks. The doc was certain that the type of chemo I will be on will make me lose my hair, I will feel sick at times, and I can become sterile. I will be visiting the sperm bank a few times before I start chemo just incase I do become sterile from the treatment as I do want children I the future. I was also told that I am going to have to slow way down when I am going through treatment, it is extremely important I do not get sick because my lungs, kidney and liver can be affected if I get sick. That means no flag football, no dodgeball, no alcohol, and just taking it easy. I will be administered chemo once every two weeks for 6 months, and the hope is to be in remission after 6 months. The doctor is extremely optimistic that we can beat this cancer and he also told me that I am extremely lucky to be diagnosed with a cancer that actually has a cure!!! This makes me feel so much better hearing that, but I am pretty down right now and absorbing all this so quickly has just drained me mentally. I will stay strong and I will get through this. All of our friends and family have been so supportive already and this helps me out so much. Rachel has been amazing through all this and I am so fortunate to have her love and support as I couldn’t imagine doing this alone. I am anxious, nervous, and scared all at the same time to get the treatment started. They say everyone reacts different to the treatment, so it will just be a matter of time until we know exactly how I am feeling. That’s we know for now, and I will keep everyone posted after the tests later this week. All I need to do is stay positive and know that I will get through this. All I can ask for is your support through all this.


  1. You've got all my support and a coupon for DATE NIGHT with Rachel for delicious antioxidant smoothies and healthy cancer-fighting grub. I saw some great recipes on Oprah... and Lowell is really into kale these days... (nerd)

  2. Thinking about you buddy!!!
