Thursday, May 6, 2010

On your Mark...

The past two weeks of my life have been the most draining weeks of my life. I have been in and out of doctor’s appointments, scans, tests and surgery. Finally we were able to get an answer yesterday from the doc. Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and I was never expecting to hear this at the age of 28. We pretty much knew on Monday that I had cancer, but the past surgery confirmed the doctor’s thoughts. My fiancĂ© Rachel has been amazing and has been right by my side the whole time and my parents have been right next to me all week. I have created this blog for everyone to follow my journey of beating this cancer and it will also be pretty therapeutic for me. The shock is slowly wearing off, but swallowing a pill this large is pretty tough. I am in good thoughts and I don’t have any choice but to beat this cancer and keep trucking forward!

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