Thursday, May 6, 2010

How this all Happened

A couple weeks ago I woke up and was getting ready for work when I noticed a large lump on the left side of my neck. I asked Rachel to look at it, and she basically told me that if I didn't go to the doctor that day to not expect her to come home from work. So, I obviously went to the doctor. My primary doc was not able to tell me anything about the lump, but the Ultrasound revealed the lump was vascular, my doc quickly referred me to a vascular surgeon. When I met with the vascular surgeon the following week, he had a chance to look at some of my slides so when we met with him he told us from the start that there was a very strong possibility that I have some type of Hodgkin's or Lymphoma. Needless to say, when he said that I went pretty numb, I was not expecting that. I was expecting to hear that I had an infected lymph node and they would just have to repair it or whatever...The doc quickly got me schedule for a CT Scan and a biopsy to remove part of the tissue in the lump. This past Monday I had surgery to remove some tissue from the lump to test it for cancer, we go the results back on Wednesday and the doc was right, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We pretty much knew all week I had cancer, but it really sank in for me yesterday after hearing the news. I now have a bunch of doctors appointments set up for the next week or so because we still need to figure out what stage the cancer is in and what type of Hodgkin's it is. Now that I have explained how this all happened I will be updating the page as I go through each week. I am hoping to be able to inform everyone on what it is like to go through Chemo, and if I have to do radiation I will be talking about that too. I am going to keep this a very positive place and I am hoping to keep it pretty humorous as well. Please drop a line in the comments and interact as much as possible. I will upload pictures of my journey, as there is a chance that I might be getting a new hair did, but we do not know yet. Stay tuned in!

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